Los Angeles, CA

Types of Car Accident Injuries

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Types of Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents are often the cause of extensive property damage and bodily injuries, but the severity of these outcomes will depend on the circumstances surrounding the crash in question. The direction and speed of the vehicles involved, for instance, will often determine whether a victim suffers cuts and bruises or catastrophic damage to the brain and spinal cord.

Should you be injured in a car accident, you might end up requiring expensive surgery or suffering from long-term disabilities that necessitate ongoing physical and mental therapy. Your injuries might even prevent you from working or meeting your daily needs.

If you’ve suffered car accident injuries in Los Angeles, CA, M&Y Personal Injury Lawyers can help. Contact our personal injury law office today by calling (877) 300-4535 and schedule a free initial consultation to learn more.

How M&Y Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You Recover Compensation for Your Car Accident Injuries in Los Angeles, CA

How M&Y Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You Recover Compensation for Your Car Accident Injuries in Los Angeles, CA

M&Y Personal Injury Lawyers provides legal representation to accident victims in Los Angeles, California. Since its founding in 2013, our firm’s Los Angeles car accident lawyers have recovered over $400 million in compensation for our clients using our 100 years of combined experience.

Our personal injury attorneys can help you after a car accident by providing you with the following:

  • A free consultation to explain your legal rights and assess your case
  • Protection from exploitation by insurance companies
  • Aggressive representation to get the best possible settlement or jury award for your injuries

Car accident injuries can significantly impact your physical, mental, and financial health. Contact M&Y Personal Injury Lawyers for a free consultation to discuss your injuries and the compensation you may be entitled to under California law.

How Many People Get Injured in California Car Accidents?

According to a summary provided by the Statewide Integrated Transportation Records System (SWITRS), California experienced 157,056 traffic accidents in 2022, which were responsible for the injuries (some fatal) of a total of 221,956 victims.

That number includes the following:

From these statistics, it can be calculated that the remaining 188,444 victims were specifically involved in car accidents in California in 2022. Of that total, 12,722 were victims of such accidents in Los Angeles.

Examples of Car Accident Injuries

The injuries you suffer in a car accident, and the severity thereof, will depend on many factors, including the speed and direction of the vehicles involved at the time of the collision, as well as the type of collision itself. According to the National Safety Council, head-on collisions, for instance, only make up about 3.9% of all car crashes, but they account for 29.4% of all car accident fatalities.

Some common types of car accident injuries include the following:

Chest Bruises

Chest bruises are very common car accident injuries. When colliding with another vehicle, your body is thrown in the direction of the impact until you hit something. In a rear-end or head-on collision, your chest will likely hit your seat belt, steering wheel, or dashboard, whereas, in a side-impact or angle crash, your chest could hit your door or center console.

Chest bruises occur when a blunt impact breaks the blood vessels under your skin. Though they will cause painful swelling and discoloration, these bruises will usually heal on their own within a week or two.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries may sound minor, but they can leave you permanently disabled. 

Some common soft tissue injuries from car accidents are as follows:

  • Torn tendons and muscles
  • Ruptured ligaments
  • Torn cartilage
  • Herniated or bulging discs

These injuries often require reconstructive surgery to repair, and you may need physical therapy to rebuild some strength and flexibility after surgery. Even with the right treatment, however, you may continue to feel pain and stiffness for the rest of your life.

Broken Bones

The pressure your body experiences during a car collision can snap your bones. 

Some common fractures that can result from a crash can include any of the following:

  • Facial fractures
  • Dental fractures
  • Broken wrist or arm
  • Broken ankle or leg
  • Fractured vertebrae

If the broken ends of the bone displace following the crash, a doctor may need to operate to realign them before immobilizing the bone with a cast. If the bone breaks into multiple pieces, doctors may stabilize the break with plates and screws. 

In general, broken bones can take anywhere from six weeks to one year to fully heal.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

When your brain is jostled during a car accident, it can suffer temporary or permanent damage as the result of any of the following injuries:

  • Concussion
  • Diffuse axonal injury (DAI)
  • Cerebral contusion

Mild brain injuries can still cause a mix of physical and cognitive symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, confusion, amnesia, and emotional outbursts. In contrast, a severe injury can lead to a coma or death.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Los Angeles Car Accident Attorneys To Discuss Your Injuries and Options

When you suffer from a car accident injury due to someone else’s negligent or intentional actions, you can pursue compensation under California law. 

Contact M&Y Personal Injury Lawyers for a free case evaluation to discuss how we can help you pursue your accident claim.