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Average Settlement Value of a Truck Accident Injury Case in Los Angeles

Commercial trucking companies and their drivers must follow strict regulations to avoid accidents. If they are negligent and cause a crash, they may owe considerable compensation to victims. 

Victims may wonder about the average settlement for a commercial truck accident case. Unfortunately, there is typically no average semi-truck accident settlement amount because every case is different. 

However, it may be possible to estimate the potential value of your claim by answering the following questions:

Who Is Responsible for the Los Angeles Truck Accident?

The trucking industry involves many different but interrelated parties. The negligence of one or more of these parties may contribute to the accident. 

Some of the potential parties who may be responsible for the crash (and why) may include:

Responsible PartyNegligence Based On
Truck driverSpeeding, texting while driving, impaired driving, making bad judgment calls, not handling the truck properly
Trucking companyNegligent hiring practices, negligent supervision, encouraging unrealistic deadlines to violate hours of service rules
Truck ownerFailure to maintain the vehicle 
MechanicNegligent repairs, failing to conduct necessary repairs
Cargo loading companyNot properly securing cargo or overloading cargo
Another driverAnother driver’s negligence may have contributed to the accident

If you were partially responsible for the accident, California’s pure comparative fault rule applies. This law allows you to seek compensation for the damages you incurred, but your compensation is reduced by your degree of fault. 

What Damages Did You Suffer?

Damages represent the losses you incurred because of the collision. Potential damages in a Los Angeles truck accident case might include:

Property Damage 

Commercial trucks weigh significantly more than passenger vehicles, so they often cause extensive property damage. Your car may be totaled, and you may be owed the fair market value of your vehicle. The newer and more expensive your vehicle, the greater this potential aspect of your claim. 

Medical Expenses 

The size disparity between commercial vehicles and passenger vehicles also means that those in smaller cars tend to suffer serious injuries. This often means that they incur significant medical expenses for:

  • Emergency transport and treatment 
  • Hospitalization
  • Surgery
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation 
  • Medication
  • Follow-up visits
  • Specialist care
  • Medical devices 

In addition to payment for medical bills already incurred, you can recover compensation for medical expenses you anticipate incurring in the future. 

Lost Wages 

You may have to take significant time off work to recover from your injuries. You can pursue compensation for your lost wages and benefits. Additionally, if your long-term earning capacity is impaired because of your injuries, you could pursue compensation for your reduced earning capacity. 

Pain and Suffering

In addition to seeking compensation for tangible losses that can be quantified through objective evidence like bills and receipts, you can pursue compensation for other losses that are more subjective in nature. For example, you can seek compensation for your physical and mental pain and suffering

What Insurance Coverage Is Available?

Commercial trucks carry much more liability insurance than drivers of passenger vehicles because of the potential significant damages that can result in case of an accident. Additionally, if more than one party is responsible for the accident, multiple insurance policies may cover the crash. The insurance company will only settle the case up to the maximum insurance coverage available.

Where Did the Truck Accident Occur?

Settlement amounts for truck accidents vary by location. Different insurance companies and adjusters may settle claims for different amounts. Additionally, juries in other counties may arrive at very different results for similar truck accidents. 

The average cost of a commercial truck accident settlement is higher when you have qualified legal representation. A local truck accident lawyer can help strengthen your case and potentially increase the value of your claim by:

  • Identifying all parties who are potentially responsible for the accident
  • Gathering compelling evidence to prove how the accident occurred, such as information stored in an electronic data recorder or graphics prepared by an accident reconstruction specialist
  • Compiling evidence of the full extent of your damages
  • Negotiating for maximum compensation on your behalf

An experienced Los Angeles truck accident attorney can review the circumstances of your case and give you an estimate of the potential value of your claim.

Contact Our Truck Accident Law Firm in Los Angeles, CA

If you were injured in an accident in Los Angeles, CA or you lost a loved one and you need legal assistance, please contact us to schedule a free consultation. One of our Los Angeles car accident lawyers at M&Y Personal Injury Lawyers will get in touch with you soon.

M&Y Personal Injury Lawyers – Los Angeles Office
4929 Wilshire Blvd Suite 960,
Los Angeles, CA 90010

M&Y Personal Injury Lawyers – Downtown Office
350 S Figueroa St Suite 276
Los Angeles, CA 90071
(877) 751-8953

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