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Is Jaywalking Legal in California?
Is Jaywalking Legal In California? Jaywalking occurs when a pedestrian crosses the street improperly. This typically occurs when someone crosses the street without using the crosswalk. Jaywalking can lead to dangerous consequences for pedestrians

What To Do If Someone Files a Car Accident Claim Against You
What To Do If Someone Files a Car Accident Claim Against You Dealing with a false or exaggerated car accident claim against you is no fun. Nonetheless, there are definitely ways to fight back. If

What is a Los Angeles Personal Injury Claim?
What is a Los Angeles Personal Injury Claim? You can file a personal injury claim if someone’s negligent actions cause you to suffer harm. You can recover compensation for that harm if the other party breached

How Long Should I Wait Before Going to a Chiropractor After a Car Accident in Los Angeles?
How Long Should I Wait Before Going to a Chiropractor After a Car Accident in Los Angeles? You should seek immediate medical attention if you are injured in a car accident in Los Angeles, CA. It may

What does Bar stand for in the Bar Exam, or Bar Association?
Busting the Myth: “If You Rear-End Someone, You’re Always at Fault” The term “bar” in “bar exam” or “bar association” is not an acronym or abbreviation. It is not a place to purchase

Can You Use a Child Car Seat After a Car Accident?
Can You Use a Child Car Seat After a Car Accident? An automobile accident can be a traumatic experience for all involved, especially if children were present in the car at the time of the collision. It

5 Popular Animals That Are Illegal as Pets in California
Can You Use a Child Car Seat After a Car Accident? Owning and caring for a pet can be a highly-rewarding experience, offering companionship and a sense of purpose that allows a person

How Does The Insurance Claim Process Work In Los Angeles, CA?
How Does The Insurance Claim Process Work In Los Angeles, CA? Most of us are lucky enough to never think about our car insurance policy. You might complain about paying your premium every
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Understanding the Statute of Limitations in Personal Injury Claims