Los Angeles, CA

Personal Injury Blog

California Highway Patrol Reports: What You Need To Know

If you’ve been in a car accident, you know how chaotic and confusing it can be. It’s important to get as much information as you can as soon as possible so that you can start the claims process. To do this, it’s important to file a California Highway Patrol (CHP) accident report as soon as […]


What Does It Mean for a Truck To Jackknife?

In California, a common type of truck accident is when the truck “jackknifes.” Jackknifing refers to the act of when the trailer of a large semi-truck pushes the front, towing truck itself to the side. It can also occur when the front aspect of the truck is pushed all the way around so that it […]


Types of Commercial Driver’s Licenses in California

As of 2020, there were almost 230 million licensed drivers in the United States. That number represents the majority of adults in the country. However, just because you possess a driver’s license doesn’t mean you have the right to drive any type of vehicle. Every driver’s license grants the holder the right to drive a […]


What Is CTE?

CTE stands for chronic traumatic encephalopathy. It is not common in the population as a whole. But for certain people, like athletes and combat veterans, CTE happens much more often. Doctors can do nothing to stop CTE. They cannot even definitively diagnose it until after it kills the person suffering from it. And as CTE […]


What Is Vehophobia?

Like some, you may get nervous and tense up when you have to get on the freeway in California. Or you may dislike the thought of driving to the store, becoming uncomfortable from the moment you buckle your belt. If these feelings of discomfort cause you paralyzing fear or anxiety, you may have vehophobia. Insurance […]


Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms Years Later

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can range from mild concussions to life-threatening conditions. In most cases, TBIs result from direct trauma to the head. The consequences can be catastrophic whenever a blow, jolt, or sudden impact disrupts normal brain function. Though most mild and moderate TBIs result in short-term symptoms, long-term complications can affect individuals for […]


Laws on the Road: What’s the Smallest Street-Legal Motorcycle in Los Angeles?

Choosing a motorcycle is one of the toughest decisions for riders to make. With the vast selection currently out there on the market, it takes plenty of time and research to commit to one bike.  Whether you’re just learning to ride or you have specific preferences, small bikes are great for just about anyone. However, […]


How Do Motorcycle Crash Bars Work?

Motorcycle crash bars have been around for many years and are popular due to their various benefits. While a crash bar is a simple piece of equipment, it serves multiple functions. Crash bars keep motorcycles upright in the event of an accident, minimizing the risk of serious rider injury and protecting motorcycles from substantial damage. […]


Can I Get a Concussion Without Hitting My Head?

Concussions are the most common type of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Every year, thousands of California residents suffer from concussions when their heads experience external forces strong enough to impact the brain.  Although direct bumps and blows to the head are more prone to inducing a concussion, any hard impact on the body can cause […]


Rear-End Collisions in Los Angeles: Common Causes and Who’s To Blame

Imagine you are sitting at a stop sign or traffic light. Another vehicle, approaching from behind, does not slow down soon enough.  Terrifying situations like this happen every day across Los Angeles. Many times, these scenarios result in a rear-end collision.   A variety of factors can lead to rear-end motor vehicle accidents. Victims of these […]