What Is the Likelihood I Will Experience a Car Accident in Los Angeles, CA?
What Is the Likelihood I Will Experience a Car Accident in Los Angeles, CA? Every year across the country, more than six million car accidents occur. Every time you get behind the wheel, there is a chance that you could be involved in a collision. There are nearly four million residents in the city of Los […]
How to File a Car Accident Claim With Allstate
How to File a Car Accident Claim With Allstate California is an at-fault state for car accident claims. If another driver causes a car crash, that driver could be liable for your damages. You can file an insurance claim with the driver’s insurance company and file a personal injury lawsuit against the driver. California requires […]
Should You Call the Cops for a Fender Bender in Los Angeles, CA?
Should You Call the Cops for a Fender Bender in Los Angeles, CA? If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Los Angeles, CA, you’re probably shaken up and unsure what to do next. For example, do you have to call the police for what looks like just a minor fender bender? Or should you just […]
How Long Does It Take to Get a Settlement Check from a Car Accident in Los Angeles?
How Long Does It Take to Get a Settlement Check from a Car Accident in Los Angeles? After a car accident, you could face financial difficulties. You need medical treatment for your injuries, but those injuries might prevent you from working. As a result, you might incur debt or even forgo necessary treatment or therapy. […]
Vehicle and Driver Requirements in California for Uber and Lyft
Vehicle and Driver Requirements in California for Uber and Lyft In 2013, California became the first state to regulate rideshare systems. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) enacts and enforces rules for Uber and Lyft. Cities also have some authority to regulate these “transportation network companies.” Uber and Lyft use the CPUC rules, local ordinances, and […]
Who is at Fault in a Chain Reaction Car Accident?
Who is at Fault in a Chain Reaction Car Accident? California is an at-fault insurance state for car accidents, including chain reaction car crashes. Therefore, before you can recover any money for your injuries and damages, you must determine who is at fault in a pile-up. California tort law holds all at-fault parties responsible for damages. […]
The Deadliest Highway Stretches in California
The Deadliest Highway Stretches in California More than 6,500 fatal traffic accidents occurred in California over a recent two-year span. This makes California the second-highest state in terms of motor vehicle accident fatalities. Only the state of Texas had more traffic deaths within the same time. Many of these deadly collisions took place on a high-speed roadway. […]
Is It Illegal to Eat While Driving in California?
Is It Illegal to Eat While Driving in California? No state, including California, has a law that prohibits eating while driving. You might interpret this as a tacit admission that you can safely eat and drive in some situations. But every state, including California, has reckless driving laws. These laws do not specifically refer to […]
How to Get Your LAPD Traffic Collision Report
How to Get Your LAPD Traffic Collision Report After you’re involved in a car accident in Los Angeles, you must take several steps. If you skip any of these steps, you could face potential criminal charges for a hit and run or failing to report an accident. When your car accident involves injuries or deaths, you […]
Can I File A Car Accident…
Can I File A Car Accident If Someone Hits My Parked Car Have you ever parked your car on the side of a road or in a parking lot, only to come back later and find scratches, dents, or other damage? Unfortunately, this happens all too often, especially in cities like Los Angeles. Between crowded streets, […]