Los Angeles, CA

Personal Injury Blog

Dealing with Grief: A Step-By-Step Guide for Emotional Healing After the Unexpected Death of a Loved One

When a beloved family member or friend dies suddenly in a fatal personal injury accident, protecting your legal rights is not the greatest obstacle you face. The grief you are experiencing and will experience will present far more difficult and longer-lasting challenges to you as you move forward from the tragedy of the accident. As […]


Is California a No-Fault State?

Most states in the country are considered “at-fault” or “no-fault” regarding their car insurance systems. California is considered an “at-fault” state, which means you can generally file a claim for compensation against the driver who caused your accident after a crash. Drivers must have minimum amounts of liability insurance. No-fault insurance for medical payments is […]


Worst Traffic Times in Los Angeles

As a rule of thumb, the more cars there are on the road, the more likely you are to get into a car accident. And in a city that has the sixth worst traffic in the U.S., that means you want to avoid traffic as much as possible. Many people who drive in Los Angeles […]


Blind Spot Truck Accidents in California

According to the NHTSA, California reported 416 fatal truck crashes in 2021. That represented 7.3% of fatal truck accidents nationwide. Large trucks include 18-wheelers, semi-trucks, big rigs, tractor-trailers, and other commercial trucks. Large truck accidents are extremely dangerous. Commercial truck crashes cause catastrophic injuries and wrongful deaths. One reason for truck crashes is the large […]


Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit Against LA City for Negligence

NICK / MAY 29, 2023 / NEGLIGENCE If a private party injures you through their negligent behavior, you can file a lawsuit against them  seeking monetary    compensation. If an on-duty employee injures you through negligent misconduct, you can usually sue their employer.  However, if the defendant is the LA city government or one of its employees, things […]


Motorcycle Permit Restrictions in California

Just like driving a car, riding a motorcycle takes skill. Along with skill, you must also have the appropriate licensing to take to the open road legally. Depending on your age when seeking a motorcycle license, you may need to get a permit license. Permit licenses come with certain restrictions aimed at keeping new riders […]


Personal Injury Settlements: Myths vs. Reality

Thousands of personal injury claims are filed each day in the United States. These claims involve car accidents, medical malpractice, product liability, wrongful death, and many other incidents and accidents resulting in injury to another person. Unfortunately, there are just as many myths about personal injury settlements.  An experienced Los Angeles personal injury lawyer can […]


The Process of a Personal Injury Claim in Los Angeles

The term ‘claim’ has multiple meanings in personal injury law. On the one hand, a claim is a legally enforceable right in court. However, it also refers to insurance claims.  A personal injury claim is an action against someone who caused you harm or injury through negligence, intentional torts, or other wrongful conduct. You might […]


What Are the Causes and Effects of Brain Stem Injuries?

Scientists sometimes refer to the brain stem as the lizard or reptilian brain. These phrases describe the evolution of the brain. The brain stem was one of the earliest structures to form. Therefore, it looks and functions like a reptile’s brain. The brain stem does not perform higher brain functions like those associated with cognition […]


All About Back and Neck Injuries from Rear-End Car Accidents

Getting into a car accident is a serious matter. Even if you feel fine immediately following the accident, it doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t injured. This is especially true of back and neck injuries sustained from rear-end collisions. In many of these situations, injuries can remain undetected for days or even weeks. This aspect of […]