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Rear-End Collision Injuries and How You Can Recover

Rear-End Collision Injuries and How You Can Recover Rear-end crashes happen often. In 2021, Los Angeles County had 13,207 rear-end collisions that caused injury or death. Of these, 4,411 rear-end collisions occurred in the city of Los Angeles. These collisions have a high injury rate but a low fatality rate. In 2021, only 0.66% of rear-end collisions were […]

Suing For Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress in California

Suing For Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress in California Some personal injuries cause great emotional distress, and California law allows personal injury victims to seek compensation for the emotional injuries they have suffered when they file a negligence claim. If you are considering suing for emotional distress, an experienced personal injury lawyer can provide more […]

Is It Possible To Get Out of Jury Duty in Los Angeles?

Is It Possible To Get Out of Jury Duty in Los Angeles? Serving on a jury is not always convenient. A trial could last for a few days or a few weeks. Therefore, many people want to get out of jury duty in Los Angeles and throughout California.  But ultimately, it is our civic duty […]

3 Elements of Standing to Sue

3 Elements of Standing to Sue You must satisfy three elements before you have standing to sue. If you lack any of these elements, the court will dismiss your lawsuit for lack of standing. The requirement for legal standing is based on Article III of the US Constitution and California state law. Following is an explanation of the three […]

Should I Accept the First Settlement Offer From an Insurance Company?

Should I Accept the First Settlement Offer From an Insurance Company? There was an accident, it wasn’t your fault, and you were injured. The period after the accident can be a highly intense and exhausting time – both physically and emotionally. All you know is that you were hurt and have bills piling up for […]

How Long Does it Take to Get A Personal Injury Settlement Check in Los Angeles, CA?

How Long Does it Take to Get A Personal Injury Settlement Check in Los Angeles, CA? Most people prefer to settle a personal injury claim outside of court because it is quicker, easier, and in many cases, cheaper.  The opposing party will likely share your preference for settling out of court.  Once you settle, however, you might […]

How To Proceed With A Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawsuit

How To Proceed With A Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawsuit Many personal injury cases settle without the need to file a lawsuit. However, not all cases are so straightforward.  Sometimes, complicated issues might require filing a personal injury lawsuit to settle the dispute. In other cases, an insurance company might refuse to negotiate a fair […]

Demand Letter Response Time in Los Angeles, CA

Demand Letter Response Time in Los Angeles, CA A demand letter often is the first step in the negotiation process for a personal injury claim. Your personal injury lawyer prepares the demand letter to send to the insurance company. A typical demand letter contains: Summary of the facts of the case A description of your injuries, including […]

What Is Considered a “Reasonable Person” When It Comes to Negligence In Los Angeles?

What Is Considered a “Reasonable Person” When It Comes to Negligence In Los Angeles? You may have heard of a “reasonable person” in the context of a personal injury lawsuit in California. But, who is this “reasonable person,” and why are they important? In a personal injury lawsuit based on negligence, the injured party must show that the […]

What Happens if You Don’t Accept a Settlement Offer From the Insurance Company?

What Happens if You Don’t Accept a Settlement Offer From the Insurance Company? Knowing when to accept a settlement offer can be challenging. You want to recover as much money as possible for your injury claim. However, the insurance company’s goal is to pay as little as possible for your claim if it cannot find […]